Benchforge :: Home of COLT.
Colt is a 5-6 Ghz Signal Synthesizer which generates all UNII DFS FCC radar types and other country UNII/DFS radar signals. Its intended use is for developers, certification labs and for pre-certification say in certification labs. It breaks the paradigm of what can be done with inexpensive and application specific signal simulators.
Colt is for development teams who see the benefit of faster, in-house test cycles without "breaking the bank" on an Agilent or Aeroflex unit.
Colt has implemented the FCC radar signal types contained in FCC-06-096A1 in a small self contained box. The box is controlled over RS-232 and has a simple but powerful User Interface that allows the user to set up for a test of their DUT or to run a series of trials and record the results of each for logging purposes.
FCC Types 1- 6 -- $1495.00
Module for ETSI and Japan radar types -- additional $500
Check our download section to learn more about COLT.